Looking for Employment?



Ready, Willing & Able (RWA) is a free, national initiative of Inclusion Canada and the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance and is funded by the Government of Canada. RWA’s aim is to achieve a labour force participation of people with intellectual disabilities or autism on par with the national average.

There is a strong and proven business case for inclusive hiring! RWA is here to help employers discover these benefits and connect them to skilled local candidates with intellectual disabilities or autism.

RWA helps employers fill existing job vacancies with qualified local candidates by sending opportunities to case managers and partner agencies. If you are an RWA eligible job seeker, ask your case manager about RWA jobs, go to ReadyWillingAble.ca or contact the Labour Market Facilitator to learn more!


Inclusion Yukon’s has supported Self Employment Initiatives for individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities who are interested in starting their own business or who are already self employed but requiring extra support.

We may be able to provide individualized guidance on determining the feasibility of a business idea and the implementation of a business plan, dependent on funding and what step you are on. Support is also available to individuals implementing changes to an existing, independently running business.

Contact Employment@InclusionYukon.org if you have a business plan!

The Self Employment Initiative has been funded by YTG’s Community Development Fund.


You may see Inclusion Yukon staff in the community supporting employees in their workplace. These supported individuals are still hard working, skilled, competent direct hires of the employer, and Inclusion Yukon is often contracted to provide direct support to a person who may need extra help as they learn the essential tasks, practices and routines of a position. We only provide necessary support, and reduce support when appropriate, planning with the employee and their employer. Talk to your employment case manager for a referral, or contact us for more information.


The Transitions from Highschool, and Odd Job Squad programs are currently on hold. We will update our website and our contacts and participants accordingly.

The Transitions program secures work internships for youth ages 14-21 with an employer of their choice. The internships provide students with valuable work experience that can be used for school credits towards graduation. The Transitions from Highschool program was previously funded by RWA and is now funded by the YTG Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund.

The Odd Job Squad is an opportunity for individuals with intellectual disabilities and/or autism to work “odd jobs” according to availability and demand. Odd jobs include one-off jobs or recurring work such as snow-shoveling, yard work, stuffing envelopes, cleaning, organizing, helping move furniture, painting, etc. The Odd Job Squad includes the support of a job coach on-site as necessary. Odd Job Squad is funded by YTG’s Community Development Fund.

To learn more about either program, please email employment@inclusionyukon.org or call our office at 867-667-4606.


Mallory’s Postering is a dynamic social enterprise operating under the Inclusion Yukon umbrella. Manager Mallory Pigage, and her enthusiastic postering team, have been distributing posters and fliers locally for individuals, businesses, organizations, and government departments for almost a decade. 

Mallory’s Postering has also partnered with two local businesses, What’s Up Yukon Newspaper and Firebean Coffee to carry out newspaper and coffee deliveries, while connecting with the community.  

For more information on Mallory’s Postering rates or to hire the Mallory’s Postering team, contact Mallory Pigage at 867-334-6816 or mallory@inclusionyukon.org.